
- why Global Car Recycling Day was born

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It's become clear, that while most countries love their cars, at the end of the vehicles' lives they are not always shown the same love, and neither is the environment!

Global Car Recycling Day is driven by international car recycling experts CarTakeBack. Established in the UK, in 2005, the organisation has since set up car recycling networks in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Spain.

CarTakeBack, which operates in conjunction with government agencies, numerous leading vehicle manufacturers, hundreds of recyclers, world-leading recycling experts and most importantly serves climate-conscious customers, felt it was vital to draw more attention to this unique recycling issue across the world… And Global Car Recycling Day was born!

In the UK and EU, high recycling rates mean there are plenty of responsible car recyclers to choose from, but there are many countries lacking strict regulations.

To avoid environmental harm and to ensure the protection of sustainable car production into the future, it’s essential that car recycling regulations are improved worldwide. That’s where you come in! The public can help to drive progress by demanding an environmentally responsible route for the disposal of their old car.

Global Car Recycling Day needs to generate conversations in homes, businesses and governments about how important car recycling is if we are to maintain the world's most popular form of travel and protect our environment.

You can get involved in Global Car Recycling Day in many ways. Each country has its own issues, but across the world we can strive to make informed decisions about where we recycle our old cars and ensure we raise awareness of how important responsible car recycling is to the protection of our environment.

Be sure to support Global Car Recycling Day on social media and give a thumbs up to responsible car recyclers, involved vehicle manufacturers and public supporters of #GlobalCarRecyclingDay.

Our Goals

It's easy to see how vital responsible car recycling is to the environment, and to a sustainable car industry, when you see how each of part of Global Car Recycling Day's goals link together and affect each other.